天津农学院学报 ›› 2012, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (2): 24-26.

• 研究与简报 • 上一篇    下一篇


王丹丹1, 杨静慧1,2,通讯作者, 李建科1,2, 高永1, 刘艳军1,2, 刘媛媛1, 武春霞1,2   

  1. 1. 天津农学院 园艺系,天津 300384;
    2. 天津市中日农村环境资源合作研究中心,天津 300384
  • 收稿日期:2012-01-10 出版日期:2012-06-20 发布日期:2019-11-12
  • 通讯作者: 杨静慧(1961-),女,甘肃兰州人,教授,博士,主要从事园艺和生物技术方面的教学与研究工作。E-mail:jinghuiyang2@yahoo.com.cn。
  • 作者简介:王丹丹(1985-),女,山东威海人,硕士在读,主要从事果树栽培和育种研究工作。E-mail:dd88285@126.com。
  • 基金资助:
    天津市农委项目“大果型甜樱桃新品种引进和设施栽培”(201003040); 天津市外专局引智项目“设施栽培大樱桃新品种和技术引进”(B2011027)

Influence of Soil, Stock and Variety on Survival of Large Cherry

WANG Dan-dan1, YANG Jing-hui1,2,Corresponding Author, LI Jian-ke1,2, GAO Yong1, LIU Yan-jun1,2, LIU Yuan-yuan1, WU Chun-xia1,2   

  1. 1. Department of Horticulture, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384, China;
    2. China-Japan (Tianjin) Collaborative Research Center for the Rural Environment and Resource, Tianjin 300384, China
  • Received:2012-01-10 Online:2012-06-20 Published:2019-11-12

摘要: 为了丰富市场供应,使大樱桃品种和果实提早上市,本研究在日光温室中对6个大樱桃品种SUM、EBF、BLACK、RED、MZ、AM进行了促成栽培,研究了苗木成活率和萌芽率及其与品种、砧木和土壤的关系。结果显示:栽植在中性土壤条件下的大樱桃苗木成活率普遍高于栽植在盐碱土上的大樱桃,两种土壤栽植成活率差异最大的是乔化砧上的AM品种,相差50%,RED相差较小,为5%,SUM无差异。盐碱土上SUM和EBF品种的成活率最高,均为100%,而乔化砧上的AM、BLACK、MZ、RED的成活率均低于60%。矮化砧苗成活率高于乔化砧苗,如以吉赛拉5号为矮化砧木的RED品种苗木成活率较乔化砧(马哈利)的高35.7%~45%。土壤类型对樱桃苗木萌芽率影响较大,8个处理中有5个处理是盐碱土上的萌芽率高于中性土的。品种间的苗木萌芽率相差也较大,其中乔化砧上AM的萌芽率较高,RED品种较低。

关键词: 砧木, 品种, 矮化砧, 乔化砧, 萌芽, 成活率, 盐碱土

Abstract: In order to enrich the market supply and increase the varieties of large cherry and be earlier in the market, six varieties, that is, SUM, BLACK, RED, AM, EBF, MZ, were cultivated in the greenhouses of Jixian and Xiqing District. In this paper, the germination and survival rates of seedlings and their relationship with the variety, stock and soil were investigated. The results show that on the saline-alkali soil, the planting survival rate was higher than that on the neutral soil. More differences of the survival rate oppeared in AM with vigorous stock(50%), RED was the least(just 5%), and there was no difference in SUM. On the saline-alkali soil, the planting survival rate of SUM and BEF were the highest(100%), while AM, BLACK, MZ, RED with vigorous stock were all lower than 60%. The planting survival rate of dwarf stock was higher than that of vigorous stock. RED with dwarf stock(Gisela-5)was 35.7%~45% higher than that with vigorous stock(Mahaleb). The influence of soil types on cherry’s germination was obvious, for the five of the eight treatments, the germination on the saline-alkali soil was higher than that on the neutral soil. The germinations among the varieties were different obviously, AM with vigorous stock was higher, while RED was lower.

Key words: stock, variety, dwarf stock, vigorous stock, germination, survival rate, saline-alkali soil
