天津农学院学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 9-14.doi: 10.19640/j.cnki.jtau.2024.06.002

• 研究与简报 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘鹏1, 高超1, 高轶楠2, 董玉梅1, 王崇启1, 孙建磊1,通讯作者   

  1. 1.山东省农业科学院 蔬菜研究所,济南 250100;
    2.天津农学院 园艺园林学院,天津 300392
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-27 出版日期:2024-12-31 发布日期:2024-12-31
  • 通讯作者: 孙建磊(1983—),女,副研究员,博士,主要从事西瓜、甜瓜遗传育种工作。E-mail:Sunjianlei06@163.com。
  • 作者简介:刘鹏(1989—),男,助理研究员,博士,主要从事西瓜、甜瓜育种和栽培研究工作。E-mail:1019901487@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:
    国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金项目(CARS-25); 山东省农业良种工程项目(2022LZGCQY006); 国家盐碱地中心“揭榜挂帅”项目(GYJ2023004); 山东省农业科学院人才工程项目(CXGC2024F08)

Effects of foliar spraying of melatonin on watermelon seedlings under salt stress

Liu Peng1, Gao Chao1, Gao Yinan2, Dong Yumei1, Wang Chongqi1, Sun Jianlei1,Corresponding Author   

  1. 1. Institute of Vegetables, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan 250100, China;
    2. College of Horticulture and Landscape, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300392, China
  • Received:2023-10-27 Online:2024-12-31 Published:2024-12-31

摘要: 以‘兰心’‘桂西瓜’‘龄童’‘金星’‘京美8K’‘F57M’为试材,进行营养液+喷施清水(CK)、含200 mmol/L NaCl营养液+喷施清水(T1)、含200 mmol/L NaCl营养液+喷施150 μmol/L褪黑素(T2)处理,对西瓜幼苗的生长指标、叶绿素及丙二醛含量和抗氧化酶活性进行测定。结果表明:与对照相比,NaCl处理下西瓜幼苗的株高、茎粗、生物量和叶绿素含量均显著降低,生长受到抑制,喷施褪黑素可缓解NaCl胁迫引发的生长抑制;NaCl处理导致膜伤害加剧,西瓜幼苗叶片中丙二醛含量均升高,喷施褪黑素后,丙二醛含量显著降低;与CK相比,NaCl处理后西瓜幼苗叶片中POD、CAT、SOD和APX的活性被激活,喷施褪黑素后各品种西瓜幼苗叶片中POD、CAT、SOD和APX的活性进一步提高。表明外源喷施150 μmol/L褪黑素可以缓解NaCl胁迫造成的伤害,提高西瓜幼苗的耐盐性,促进西瓜幼苗生长。

关键词: NaCl胁迫, 褪黑素, 西瓜幼苗, 生长, 抗氧化酶

Abstract: With ‘Lanxin’ ‘Guixigua’ ‘Lingtong’ ‘Jinxing’ ‘Jingmei 8K’ ‘F57M’ as experimental materials, the treatments were set up: Nutrient solution + sprayed with water(CK), nutrient solution containing 200 mmol/L NaCl+sprayed with water(T1), nutrient solution containing 200 mmol/L NaCl+sprayed with 150 μmol/L melatonin(T2). The growth indexes, chlorophyll, MDA contents and antioxidant enzyme activities of the nutrients were determined. The results showed that compared with CK, the plant height, stem diameter, biomass and chlorophyll content of watermelon seedlings under NaCl treatment were significantly reduced, and the growth was inhibited. Melatonin spray alleviated the growth inhibition induced by salt stress. After NaCl treatment, the MDA content in the leaves increased significantly. Compared with T1, the MDA content in the leaves decreased significantly after spraying with melatonin. Compared with CK, NaCl treatment significantly increased the activities of POD, CAT and APX in leaves, and the activities of SOD, POD, CAT and APX in leaves were significantly increased after melatonin spray. Exogenous 150 μmol/L melatonin spray can alleviate the damage caused by NaCl, improve the salt tolerance of watermelon seedlings of different varieties, and effectively promote the growth of watermelon seedlings.

Key words: salt stress, melatonin, watermelon seedlings, growth, antioxidant enzyme
