Journal of Tianjin Agricultural University ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 57-63.doi: 10.19640/j.cnki.jtau.2024.06.010

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Study on processing technology of Pholiota microspora flavor melts

Zeng Yulana, An Chaolimena, Qian Leib, Zhang Yenia,Corresponding Author   

  1. Tianjin Agricultural University, a. College of Food Science and Biotechnology, b. College of Agronomy and Resources Environment, Tianjin 300392, China
  • Received:2024-03-22 Online:2024-12-31 Published:2024-12-31

Abstract: Pholiota microspora is an edible fungus that is rich in nutrients and has a variety of effects. In order to increase the nutritional value of melts, the production process of Pholiota microspora flavor melts was studied. The traditional roasting process was adopted with Pholiota microspora powder, egg white and egg yolk as the main raw materials. On the basis of single factor test, the response surface design test was used to determine the optimal process formula of Pholiota microspora flavor melts through sensory evaluation. The results showed that the optimal process formula was as follows: egg white 69 g, egg yolk 65 g, Pholiota microspora powder 10 g, white sugar 6 g, corn starch 10 g, white granulated sugar 12 g, corn starch 10 g, lemon juice 1 g, baking temperature 100 ℃, baking time 60 min, under these conditions, the sensory score of the Pholiota microspora flavor melts was 83.08 points, and the protein content increased by 6.33%, the fat content decreased by 4.60% and the dietary fiber content was 3.7 times that of common melts. It can be seen that the melts prepared by this technical formula are more in line with people's pursuit of healthy food.

Key words: Pholiota microspora powder, melts, response surface test, sensory evaluation, process

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