天津农学院学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (1): 57-60.doi: 10.19640/j.cnki.jtau.2022.01.012

• 研究与简报 • 上一篇    下一篇


廖家骏, 何新鹏, 刘华通信作者, 常若葵   

  1. 天津农学院 工程技术学院,天津 300392
  • 收稿日期:2021-03-15 出版日期:2022-03-31 发布日期:2022-04-14
  • 通讯作者: 刘华(1977—),女,高级实验师,硕士,主要从事分析仪器维护的理论研究与实践、电力电子与电气传动方向研究以及智能农机装备设计。E-mail:41599386@qq.com。
  • 作者简介:廖家骏(2000—),男,本科在读,主要从事测控技术与仪器方向。E-mail:1904084441@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:
    天津市科技特派员项目(19JCTPJC60400); 天津市科技计划项目(19ZYYFSN00010); 国家级大学生创新训练计划项目(202010061016)

Design of light-supplement system for artificial breeding environment of black soldier fly larvae

Liao Jiajun, He Xinpeng, Liu HuaCorresponding Author, Chang Ruokui   

  1. College of Engineering and Technology, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300392, China
  • Received:2021-03-15 Online:2022-03-31 Published:2022-04-14

摘要: 光照因素是能够影响黑水虻幼虫生长发育和活跃程度,从而影响有机废弃物处理能力的主要因素。为提升黑水虻幼虫在冬季、阴雨天和人工室内养殖的光照强度,促进黑水虻幼虫的生长发育和提升处理废弃物的能力,提出了可控补光系统。该系统主要由控制器、补光箱、传感器、外部执行部件等构成。其中,补光箱由自然光的冷光和暖光光带构成,可根据实际需要任意增减光带数量;通过控制补光模块悬挂高度来改变黑水虻幼虫生长环境的光照强度。该系统便于组装、易操作、成本低。

关键词: 黑水虻幼虫, 光照强度, 可控光源, 传感器

Abstract: Light is the main factor that can affect the growth, development and activity of the larvae, and thus affect the ability of organic waste treatment. In order to improve the light intensity for black soldier fly larvae in winter, rainy days and indoor culture, promote the growth and development of black water fly larvae and enhance the ability of waste disposal, a controllable light supplement system was proposed. The system is mainly composed of controller, light compensation box, sensor, external executive parts and so on. Among them, the light compensation box is composed of cold light and warm light bands of natural light, which can be increased or decreased at will according to the actual needs; by controlling the hanging height of the light compensation module, the light intensity of the growing environment of the black soldier fly larvae can be changed. The system is easy to assemble, operate and of low cost.

Key words: black soldier fly larvae, light intensity, controllable light source, transducer
