天津农学院学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 72-75.doi: 10.19640/j.cnki.jtau.2018.01.016

• 研究与简报 • 上一篇    下一篇


廖彩淇, 孙长虹, 杨潇, 靳皓, 杨延荣, 杨仁杰通信作者, 张伟玉   

  1. 天津农学院 工程技术学院,天津 300384
  • 收稿日期:2017-12-08 出版日期:2018-03-20 发布日期:2019-11-05
  • 通讯作者: 杨仁杰(1978-),男,副教授,博士,主要研究方向:光谱检测技术与应用。E-mail:rjyang1978@163.com。
  • 作者简介:廖彩淇(1998-),女,学士,主要研究方向:光谱检测技术与应用。E-mail:2695026709@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:
    天津农学院大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201710061053); 国家自然科学青年基金(31201359)

Discrimination of carmine pigment in tea water based on near infrared spectroscopy

LIAO Cai-qi, SUN Chang-hong, YANG Xiao, JIN Hao, YANG Yan-rong, YANG Ren-jieCorresponding Author, ZHANG Wei-yu   

  1. College of Engineering and Technology, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384,China
  • Received:2017-12-08 Online:2018-03-20 Published:2019-11-05

摘要: 将近红外光谱技术与偏最小二乘判别法相结合,建立了掺胭脂红色素茶水的判别模型。试验分别对38个未添加色素的茶水和38个掺不同浓度胭脂红(所掺胭脂红浓度区间为0.1~10.0 μg/mL)茶水在4 000~15 000 cm-1区间进行近红外光谱采集,并对数据进行去噪处理。在此基础上,分别在7个不同的波数区间建立了偏最小二乘判别模型,并进行对比分析,认为:不同波数区间建模对掺胭脂红色素茶水的预判模型有着较大的影响。结果表明:在4 000~11 000 cm-1区间建模,能取得较好的判别结果。所建的模型对校正集样品的判别正确率为100%,对预测集未知样品的判别正确率为96.15%。

关键词: 近红外光谱, 红茶, 胭脂红, 建模波数区间选择, 偏最小二乘判别

Abstract: The discrimination models of tea water adulterated with carmine pigment were constructed combined with the technology of near-infrared(NIR)spectroscopy and partial least squares discriminant analysis(PLS-DA). Firstly, 38 unadulterated tea water samples, and 38 tea water samples adulterated with carmine pigment(0.1~10.0 μg/mL)were prepared respectively. The NIR spectra of all samples were collected and pretreated with de-noising method in the range of 4 000~15 000 cm-1. Based on the de-noising pretreatment of spectral data, 7 different wave-number ranges were selected to construct PLS-DA models for discriminating adulterated tea water samples. It is pointed out that the wave-number interval selection has great influence on predictive ability of PLS-DA model. The results show that good discriminant model can be obtained in the range of 4 000~11 000 cm-1. The classification accuracies of the constructed PLS-DA model were 100% and 96.15% for calibration set and prediction set respectively.

Key words: near-infrared spectroscopy, black tea, carmine, wave-number selection in model, partial least squares discriminant analysis
