Journal of Tianjin Agricultural University ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 85-89.doi: 10.19640/j.cnki.jtau.2024.06.014

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Kinetic study on the catalytic oxidation desulfurization of AEO-7 substituted cobalt phthalocyanine

Zhang Zimeng1, Cong Fangdi1,Corresponding Author, Zhang Chunlin1, Yao Huiyu2, Yang Wei1, Chen Yingjun1   

  1. 1. College of Basic Sciences, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300392, China;
    2. Chemical Engineering Department, Juye County Vocational School, Juye 274900, Shandong Province, China
  • Received:2024-04-14 Online:2024-12-31 Published:2024-12-31

Abstract: High quality fuel requires deep desulfurization in exquisite processes, mainly to remove the sulfur of thiophene compounds contained in the fuel. In order to explore catalysts for deep desulfurization of fuel, a one-pot synthesis method was used to prepare AEO-7 substituted cobalt phthalocyanine, which is amphiphilic to water and oil, for catalytic removal of sulfur from sodium sulfide and thiophene. And its catalytic desulfurization performance was compared with three water-soluble sulfonic acid amino substituted cobalt phthalocyanine desulfurization catalysts, based on the oxygen consumption kinetics of the reaction system. It was found that in the catalytic removal of sulfur from sodium sulfide solution, after 1 minute, the oxygen consumption of the AEO-7 substituted cobalt phthalocyanine catalytic reaction system was only 1/12 of the optimal water-soluble desulfurization catalyst. However, after 30 minutes of desulfurization of thiophene in isooctane, the oxygen consumption of AEO-7 substituted cobalt phthalocyanine catalytic system was about 10 times as high as that of water-soluble phthalocyanine catalytic systems. It can be seen that AEO-7 cobalt phthalocyanine has the potential to be applied in the deep desulfurization process of fuel.

Key words: synthesis, cobalt phthalocyanine, catalytic oxidation, desulfurization, thiophene

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