天津农学院学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 51-56.doi: 10.19640/j.cnki.jtau.2024.06.009

• 研究与简报 • 上一篇    下一篇


王雅芳1, 聂宇扬1, 何新益1,通讯作者, 冯思瑛2, 刘丽娜3, 李航1   

  1. 1.天津农学院 食品科学与生物工程学院,天津 300392;
    2.天津百世耕食品有限公司,天津 300380;
    3.天津谦德食品股份有限公司,天津 301800
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-05 出版日期:2024-12-31 发布日期:2024-12-31
  • 通讯作者: 何新益(1974—),男,教授,博士,主要从事粮油精细加工与风味研究。E-mail:hedevid@163.com。
  • 作者简介:王雅芳(1997—),女,硕士在读,从事食品加工与安全检测方面的研究工作。E-mail:1290642296@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:
    天津市科技计划项目(23ZYCGSN00070); 天津市宝坻区科技计划项目(20ZBDKJ00020)

Development of salt-reduced red oil radish pickles

Wang Yafang1, Nie Yuyang1, He Xinyi1,Corresponding Author, Feng Siying2, Liu Lina3, Li Hang1   

  1. 1. College of Food Science and Bioengineering, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300392, China;
    2. Tianjin Baishigeng Food Co., Ltd.,Tianjin 300380, China;
    3. Tianjin Qiande Food Co., Ltd., Tianjin 301800, China
  • Received:2024-03-05 Online:2024-12-31 Published:2024-12-31

摘要: 基于减盐的健康主题,开发一款健康的减盐红油萝卜酱菜配方。以萝卜盐坯为原材料,辅以氯化钾、氯化钙和酵母抽提物为变量,通过单因素试验和响应面优化,研究各因素对酱菜感官品质的影响,并用电子舌与快速气相电子鼻测定全盐酱菜(QY)、直接减盐28%酱菜(ZJJY)与辅助减盐酱菜(FZJY)的风味与滋味变化。试验确定辅助减盐酱菜的最优复合替代比为氯化钾19%、氯化钙14%、酵母抽提物39%,此时产品的感官评价评分为90.56分,与理论模型值相近,辅助减盐组的酱菜苦味降至最低,咸味明显降低,且风味成分增加了2-乙基-6-甲基吡嗪,其具有令人愉悦的香气。该试验研制出的减盐红油萝卜酱菜,不仅满足大众对低盐饮食的需求,还提升了白萝卜的产品附加值,本研究具有重要的实用意义和经济价值。

关键词: 减盐红油萝卜酱菜, 酵母抽提物, 电子舌

Abstract: Based on the health theme of salt reduction-, a healthy salt-reduced red oil radish pickle recipe was developed. Using radish salt blanks as raw materials, supplemented by potassium chloride, calcium chloride and yeast extract as variables, the impact of various factors on the sensory quality of pickles was studied through single factor experiments and response surface optimization, and electronic tongue and fast gas phase electrons were used. The flavor and taste changes in full-salt pickles(QY), direct salt-reduced 28% pickles(ZJJY), and auxiliary salt-reduced pickles(FZJY)were measured. The experiment determined that the optimal compound formula of auxiliary salt-reduction pickles was 19% potassium chloride, 14% calcium chloride, and 39% yeast extract. At this time, the sensory evaluation score of the product was 90.56 points, which was similar to the value of the theoretical model. The bitterness of the pickles in the salt group was minimized, the saltiness was significantly reduced, and the flavor component was increased with 2-ethyl-6-methylpyrazine, which has a pleasant aroma. The salt-reduced red oil radish pickles developed in this experiment not only meet the public's demand for low-salt diet, but also increase the added value of white radish products. This research has important practical significance and economic value.

Key words: salt -reduced red oil radish pickles, yeast extract, electronic tongue
